Cooky Dilapidated Haberdashers [CDH]
The Cooky Haberdashers are a new PvP guild that currently resides in a PvE based alliance with two other CDH guilds - Cranky Dead Heads and Crimson Dragons of Hell and a few others.
Vent, Forums, full halls all that. I am the alliance leader and the leader of the Dead Heads and the founder of the Dragons.
Haberdashers was founded by one of my guildies who was in a top 10 ranked PvP guild at one time and now wants to grow his own. He is looking for some serious players who are willing to grow their game and grow a hard-core PvP guild.
For more info than that - you should PM Akirai Lust in-game (add to friends cause he changes chars more often than I change underwear)
If he is not on , PM me --- > Sean the Destructor